Update your presence status and fetch presence data for the realm

POST https://yourZulipDomain.zulipchat.com/api/v1/users/me/presence

Update your presence/availability status and fetch presence of other users in realm in a bulk.

This is the endpoint meant to be used by clients for both reporting their presence status to the server and obtaining the presence info of all other users to build the buddy list by polling it regularly, in parallel with receiving presence update events via the event system.

Accurate presence is one of the most expensive parts of any team chat application (in terms of bandwidth and other resources). It's thus important that clients implementing Zulip's presence system use the modern last_update_id protocol to minimize fetching duplicate presence data.

If the CAN_ACCESS_ALL_USERS_GROUP_LIMITS_PRESENCE server-level setting is set to true, presence information of only accessible users is included in the response.

See Zulip's developer documentation for details on the data model for presence in Zulip.

The Zulip server is responsible for implementing invisible mode, which disables sharing presence data. Nonetheless, clients should check the presence_enabled field in user objects in order to display the current user as online or offline based on whether they are sharing presence information.

Usage examples

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import zulip

# Pass the path to your zuliprc file here.
client = zulip.Client(config_file="~/zuliprc")

# Update your presence.
request = {
    "status": "active",
    "ping_only": False,
    "new_user_input": False,
    "last_update_id": -1,
result = client.update_presence(request)

curl -sSX POST https://yourZulipDomain.zulipchat.com/api/v1/users/me/presence \
    --data-urlencode last_update_id=5 \
    --data-urlencode new_user_input=false \
    --data-urlencode ping_only=false \
    --data-urlencode slim_presence=false \
    --data-urlencode status=active


last_update_id integer optional

Example: 5

Specifies what presence data the client already has, allowing the server to only return presence data more recent than that.

This parameter should be set to -1 during initialization of the client in order to fetch all data, unless the client is obtaining initial presence metadata from the POST /register endpoint.

Afterwards, its value should be obtained by reading presence_last_update_id from the server's response to the previous request in order to implement incremental fetches of presence data.

Changes: New in Zulip 9.0 (feature level 263). Previously, the server sent data for all users who had been active in the last two weeks unconditionally.

new_user_input boolean optional

Example: false

Whether the user has interacted with the client since the previous presence request from this client, such as moving the mouse or using the keyboard.

These data are used by the server to support certain usage statistics.

User interface clients that might run in the background without the user ever interacting with them should be careful to only pass true if the user has actually interacted with the client, to avoid corrupting usage statistics graphs.

Defaults to false.

ping_only boolean optional

Example: false

Whether the client is sending a ping-only request, meaning it only wants to update the user's presence status.

Otherwise, also requests the server to return presence data of all users in the realm, further affected by the last_update_id parameter.

Defaults to false.

status string required

Example: "active"

The status of the user on this client. Will be either "idle" or "active".

Clients should report the user as active on this device if the client knows that the user is presently using the device (and thus would potentially see a desktop notification immediately), even if the user has not directly interacted with the Zulip client.

Otherwise, it should report the user as idle.

See the related new_user_input parameter for how a client should report whether the user is actively using the Zulip client.

Must be one of: "idle", "active".

slim_presence boolean optional Deprecated

Example: false

Legacy parameter for configuring the format in which the server will return presence data for the realm. Modern clients should pass last_update_id, which implies the client expects the modern format, and should not pass this property unless interacting with an older server.

Legacy clients that do not yet support last_update_id may use the value of true to request the modern format. The legacy format, sent when slim_presence is false, will be removed entirely in a future release.

Changes: Deprecated in Zulip 9.0 (feature level 263); using the modern last_update_id API is the recommended way to request the modern format.

New in Zulip 3.0 (Unstable with no feature level yet).

Defaults to false.


Return values

  • presence_last_update_id: integer

    Provides the last_update_id value of the latest presence data fetched by the server and included in the response in presences. This allows the client to have an identifier number up to which it knows it has obtained all the presence data.

    The client should then pass this value when it next queries this endpoint, in order to only receive newer presence data to avoid redundant fetching of already known information.

    Changes: New in Zulip 9.0 (feature level 263).

  • server_timestamp: number

    The time when the server fetched the presences data included in the response.

    Only present if ping_only is false.

  • zephyr_mirror_active: boolean

    Legacy property for a part of the Zephyr mirroring system.

    Deprecated. Clients should ignore this field.

  • presences: object

    A dictionary where each entry describes the presence details of a user in the Zulip organization.

    Only present if ping_only is false.

    • A map from {user_id} (modern) or {user_email} (legacy) properties to objects containing the presence data for that user.

      Depending on the value of slim_presence, the object's key is either the user's ID or the user's Zulip API email. If slim_presence is true, the presence information is fetched in the modern API format which includes active_timestamp and idle_timestamp of the user.

      Note: The old legacy format should only be used when interacting with old servers. It will be removed as soon as doing so is practical.

Example response(s)

Changes: As of Zulip 7.0 (feature level 167), if any parameters sent in the request are not supported by this endpoint, a successful JSON response will include an ignored_parameters_unsupported array.

A typical successful JSON response may look like:

    "msg": "",
    "presence_last_update_id": 1000,
    "presences": {
        "10": {
            "active_timestamp": 1656958520,
            "idle_timestamp": 1656958530
    "result": "success",
    "server_timestamp": 1656958539.6287155